الثلاثاء, 18 مارس, 2025 إتصل بنا من نحن إجعلنا صفحتك الرئيسية

Sami Alreefai - The Digital Content Creator cum Influencer aims at changing the winds of Social Media Content for Business Growth

Times have changed and newspapers  magazines have replaced smartphones and tablets while social media has become an important part of our lives. It is not just a tool for entertainment but it has become an epitome of elite marketplace. Not just the big brands but even the smaller, local brands use social media to promote their business. 


The brilliant entrepreneur cum influencer- Sami Alreefai is helping people to get the best out of social media for their business and brands. He is one of the topmost digital content creators in the Gulf region. He specializes in video and copy editing. He creates digital content for influencers who tackle a wide range of topics and issues along with supervising a team that works with prominent influencers across the gulf region. He performs multiple responsibilities, like receiving visual materials from different bureaus (Yemen, UAE, Tunis, Libya, Somalia, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Thailand) and editing them for visual content. In addition, he has quite an expertise as a Producer and has also worked for the Arab Broadcasting Services Network (ABS) where he was responsible for writing & editing news stories, conducting interviews, gathering materials for news/feature packages and so on.


In a recent interview, he has been quoted as saying that "The most important aspect of a strong digital presence is Content. Content has always been the king, and under no circumstances, it is going to pass on the rule to any other technique.” He focusses on the fact that content marketing strategies have been evolving with time and change is the law of nature. It is always the survival of the fittest and if anyone wants to survive, he or she needs to keep updating and evolving. With the ever changing world of digital marketing, the strategy should be able to make smart and fast moves, produce a high level of content, publish it when, where, and how it is required.


Due to his fast rise in the content world, Sam Alreefai has been the sought after person in recent times. He has an Instagram handle which boasts of more than 79K followers in a short span of time. On social media, he shares content marketing tips, various videography and writing skills and so on. As such, his followers are kept engaged to his posts. Apart from that, he shares funny videos, makes music reels and videos from his personal life.


He has seen a lot of obstacles in his life and career and this has made him a humble man. He wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has seen a difficult childhood. He is that type of an entrepreneur and influencer who started really small and has earned all this by his sheer determination and hard work. He believes that apart from talent, the will to give your 200% for your dreams and the dedication towards your work is what plays an integral role in deciding if you can achieve your goals or not. 


Sami Alreefai hails from Jordan and has done his Bachelors in Mass Communication (specialized in TV, Radio and News Media) from University of Petra. During the initial phase of his career he didn’t get the fame and attention he is getting now but gradually with time he reached newer heights of success. There comes a time in every Influencer's life at least once, when they get discouraged and stop trying again. Even at such a stage, he never stopped creating content and instead of focusing on fame and attention, he always made sure that the quality of the content was impressive and that it connected with the audience. 




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