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Award-Winning Director of King Hussein Cancer Center Honored with the Kuwait State Prize for Cancer Control

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Dr. Asem Mansour, the Director General of the King Hussein Cancer Center(KHCC), has been honored with the prestigious Kuwait State Prize for Cancer Control, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Diabetes in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. The award was presented during the 71st session of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committee on October 14, 2024, in recognition of Dr. Mansour`s outstanding contributions to cancer care.

The award was conferred by Kuwaiti Minister of Health Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadhi in the presence of WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Dr. Hanan Balkhyand Qatari Minister of Health Dr. Hanan Al-Kuwari.

Dr. Mansour expressed his deep appreciation to the KHCC Board of Trustees, led by Her Royal Highness Princess Ghida Talal, emphasizing the collective effort behind this achievement. “This award is a testament to the dedication of our entire medical team, my colleagues at the King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center, and our regional and international partners who have tirelessly worked towards advancing cancer care. It is also a tribute to the courage of our patients.

Dr. Mansour has been at the helm of KHCC since 2012 and also serves as the Executive Chairman of the Jordan Breast Cancer Program. A distinguished diagnostic radiologist, with specialization in neuroradiology, he holds a fellowship from the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) and a Master’s in Medical Management from Carnegie Mellon University. He furthered his expertise by earning a Master’s in Public Health from Liverpool John Moores University.

The Kuwait State Prize is one of the region's most esteemed medical honors, acknowledging extraordinary achievements in cancer research, innovation, and

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